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The Development Planning Sub-Committee of the Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Assembly held its first quarter meeting on Monday, 27th February, 2023 at the Municipal Assembly Hall. The participants were made up of selected Assembly members, the Development Planning Sub-Committee Chairman, Municipal Development Planning and selected Heads of Departments/Units.

The following agenda were discussed;

Ø Discussion of Unauthorized Structures Springing up in the Municipality

Ø Discussion of Ongoing Projects in the Municipality

Ø Discussion of the establishment of Diaspora development fund

After a thorough discussion of the agenda for the meeting, the following recommendations were made;

Ø the Assembly should allow the traditional task force to assist them remove unauthorized structures in the Municipality.

Ø the Assembly should take steps to terminate the construction of 1No. 3-Storey Lockable Stores since the project has been abandoned by the contractor for a very long time

Ø There should be a review on the duration and qualification of the executives who can head the Diaspora Development Fund.

In summary, the meeting was successful, participatory, educational, and it will significantly promote development in the Sefwi Wiawso Municipality.

Source: MPCU


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