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The Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Assembly convened its mid-year general staff meeting on April 25, 2023, at the Assembly's Hall. The meeting was attended by various departments and units within the Assembly, including the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), heads of departments, unit heads, and other staff members.

The meeting commenced with an opening prayer and welcome remarks from the MCE, who expressed appreciation to all staff for their hard work and dedication towards the development of the municipality. The MCE also highlighted the achievements and challenges of the Assembly during the first half of the year and emphasized the need for continued teamwork and collaboration to address the challenges and achieve the Assembly's goals.

The heads of departments and unit heads then presented their respective reports on the progress made in their areas of responsibility. These reports covered various aspects, including financial performance, service delivery, project implementation, and human resource management. Discussions and questions from the staff were encouraged, and there were deliberations on strategies to improve performance and overcome challenges.

During the meeting, special recognition was given to outstanding staff members who had excelled in their roles and made significant contributions to the Assembly's success. The MCE also used the opportunity to motivate and encourage all staff to strive for excellence in their work.


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