In accordance with section 40 of the local governance act, 2016 Act 936, which requires Assemblies to conduct Town Hall on the preparation of Annual Budget for the ensuing year as well as the workplan in the third quarter, the Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Assembly organised a town hall meeting at the Municipal Assembly Hall on 30th September, 2022.The Town Hall was also used to discussed the performance of the 2022 workplan and budget as at September, 2022 to guide the workplan and budget for 2023
The programme began at 10:30am and ended at 4:30pm. The six-hour programme was planned and executed in three main parts. The first part was the brief speeches by some dignitaries, followed by the presentation on the Assemblies’ Annual Budget performance for 2021 and the outlook for 2022. The third part was devoted to questions and contributions from the public and the responses from appropriate officers of the Assembly, including the Municipal chief executive and the Member of Parliament. The attendance was very encouraging. A total of 90 persons were present. (65 males and 34 females). The programme was moderated by Mr. Christian Nkuah, Municipal Budget Analyst and Mr. Louis Aggrey, the Municipal Planning Officer.